Intermediate Shell Overlay Crown Fabrication Technique for Evaluation of Tooth Restorability
Without question, implants provide a remarkable service when properly placed in an appropriate treatment plan. However, it is reasonable to consider that their implementation into treatment planning could create a scenario where potentially restorable teeth are prematurely extracted. This raises the question as to what materials and techniques could be used to evaluate a tooth from a structural and aesthetic perspective before a commitment is made to permanently restore the tooth.
This presentation considers an Intermediate Shell Overlay Provisional Crown Fabrication Technique. You will learn a unique and fast process for developing a diagnostic wax up for stint fabrication. Then you will learn how to create a shell from an intermediate restorative material, Luxacrown. The technique for relining, trimming and polishing a beautiful intermediate restoration will be presented.
This same Shell Overlay Technique is also used to drastically improve restoration contours and aesthetic outcomes when fabricating large composite restorations. It will dramatically reduce fabrication time while enhancing aesthetics.
You will also learn how to use this technique to create beautiful core fillings that resemble the desired aesthetic and functional outcome. This allows the creation of a restoration so evaluation can be made as to restorative prognosis, before an inordinate amount of time and money is spent on a final restoration just to see it fail.
The bottom line is that this clinical technique and intermediate material allows for fast and predictable fabrication of composites, cores and provisional restorations in and effort to determine potential restorability before significant time and money is wasted.